hi,How many non jewish friends do you have? Whats your opinions of Muslims? And what is your opinion of Christians?

I judge people on their character, as opposed to their faith, but since you ask….

I know that there are millions and millions of lovely, peaceful, honourable Muslims. But I long to see them marching through the capitals of the world, protesting Islamic terrorism – just as millions of Muslims round the world marched protesting the Mohammed cartoons.

I worry about Islam. It scares me. (how’s that for an honest answer?!). I’m aware that the Quran urges all Muslims to wage Jihad against ‘infidels’ and also to establish Sharia Law in all NON Muslims nations. I see concession after concession being made to British Muslims and it’s exasperating. When Geert Wilders was banned from the UK purely because Muslims threatened to riot, I was FURIOUS.


I grew up with most of my closest friends being Christians; several were Roman Catholics, and I’ve always found them to be normal, decent folk; some great, some not, just like you find in all faiths!

The ONLY problem I have is with the evangelical Christians who pose as ‘messianic jews’. That is an appalling deception and I will and do speak out about it vocally.

Hope that answers your post 🙂

note: Judaism doesn’t claim to be the ‘only’ path to G-d. Just ONE path. We believe all humans are equally G-d’s children.

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